How do you say "Estat Propi" in English?
Part 2: Devolution and the Devolved State
In Scotland it’s called “Devomax” – politico-speak for “fully devolved state” –
and Alex Salmond’s SNP government of Scotland has provided us with a
handy guide to the difference between full devolution and full independence:
Under full
devolution… Scotland would
remain within the United
Kingdom. The UK Government and institutions
would continue to have responsibility for many matters, for example the
currency and monetary policy, and decisions on peace and war. Full devolution
would give Scotland
more responsibility for domestic matters, and would extend the range of
measures the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament could take to
encourage greater sustainable economic growth.
The Scottish
Government's favoured policy is independence, which would bring all the
possibilities of full devolution with the additional responsibilities that
could not be devolved within the United Kingdom, such as foreign
affairs and defence. Under independence Scotland would be responsible for:
- · the economy, the
currency and the macroeconomic framework
- · education,
enterprise, infrastructure including transport and housing
- · the environment, energy
and climate change
- · the taxation and benefits system
- · the full range of public
services, including benefits and health
- · foreign affairs, defence
and security matters
- · equality legislation and human rights
- · the constitution and
government of Scotland,
Parliament, the courts, local government
Right now, the UK and
Scottish governments are negotiating a final form for the 2014 referendum in Scotland, and
the big question is whether independence or full devolution (Devomax) will be
on the referendum ballot paper. The fact that the UK
government is negotiating these issues with Salmond shows that politically, we’re
in a different world from Spain
and its relations with Catalonia.
It would of course never occur to Mariano Rajoy to negotiate any such thing.
Incidentally, Queen Elizabeth II has chosen not to pronounce about “chimeras” or
ghosties in any of the three referendums staged in Scotland during her reign. In her
view, a constitutional monarch leaves politics to the elected representatives. Wise
lady. You can see why some monarchic dynasties go on and on while others get
booted off the throne every so often.
Will the 2014 Scottish referendum ballot be about independence or devomax? We’ve
already seen that independence is the “Scottish government’s favoured policy”, and
London wants
this question on the ballot too, so why shouldn’t it be about independence?
Two reasons: first, the Scottish public are not that crazy about independence;
second, the EU has made it clear that independence for them means a “year zero”
reset – an independent Scotland must be considered outside the EU, and apply
for membership with the consequent years, or decades, of waiting out in the
1) Scottish independence not popular with the public
An independent YouGov poll of Scotland in August 2012 found only 27% of Scots
in favour of independence and 60% opposed. The “Olympic Effect” of seeing
Scottish athletes competing and winning for the Great Britain team in London
was clearly in play; but polls taken just before the Olympics in July saw just
35% for independence and 55% against.
We can see now why the UK
government is happy to put (nay, insists on putting) independence on the 2014
referendum ballot – it’s clearly a losing proposition.
When it comes to independence, Scots are most put off by the economic effect of
having a new and separate currency. The pound sterling is, as they say, “sound
as a pound”; a hypothetical new Scottish currency, not tied to the Euro or the UK pound, would
be a fragile and vulnerable newcomer on international currency markets. And it
would not be tied to the Euro because…
2) An independent Scotland would be cast out of the EU
Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the EU Commission, leaves us in no doubt:
"I am not going to speculate now about possible
secessions, it is not my job. But I can tell you that to join the European
Union, yes, we have a procedure. It is
a procedure of international law," he said.
"A state has to
be a democracy first of all, and that state has to apply to become a member of
the European Union and all the other member states have to give their
Pressed on whether all
new countries were regarded as new states by the EU, Barroso said: "A new
state, if it wants to join the European Union, has to apply to become a member
like any state. In fact, I see no country leaving and I see many countries
wanting to join."
This is, of course, why Artur Mas refuses to discuss his “Estat Propi” plan in
terms of “independence”. Independence
implies a new sovereign nation-state; this new state would have to start from
zero in terms of international law, recognition, and most importantly, EU
So by implication, Mas is proposing in his Estat Propi plan a form of
fully-devolved state or “devomax”, still connected to the sovereign state of Spain and
thereby to the EU/Euro system, but with full powers over domestic policy. Whether
or not the Scottish referendum carries independence or devomax as the question
to be answered, Mas and the CiU party have already rejected full independence
as an option.
History lesson 2
- Independence is a word; control over your own taxes, budget and services is
another thing
- That thing is known as devolution
- Independence rocks institutional boats; devolution just makes a few ripples
- The EU is cool with devolution, but hates independence
The Estat Propi proposal favoured by Mas looks like devolution, smells like
devolution and is carefully differentiated from independence in the same way. Therefore
the Estat Propi is the “Devolved
State”. But that type of
terminology is scarcely known outside the UK,
and completely unknown inside Spain and the EU.
So instead we could propose “Self-Governing State” to convey the same idea. Roll it off the tongue, it seems to fit – Estat Propi, Self-Governing State.
And Jose Barroso could even hear that phrase "Self-Governing State" without a shudder. You could say it passes the "Barroso Squirm Test".
Source for YouGov polls